Software development has been around for a while. As technology advances so does the need to establish patterns and principles for healthy application development. We know one of those patterns as SOLID. The “D” represents Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) which is our topic for today.
Mocking IQueryable Extensions with Moq
Unit testing is the base level of the testing pyramid and thus a vital cornerstone of effective software development. In order to effectively unit test your code you should make use of SOLID design principles and mocking frameworks. That said, it isn’t always easy to accomplish such as mocking IQueryable Extensions.
Interface Segregation Principle – Getting Solid with SOLID – Part 4
Software engineering, like other trades, is something that can be done in many ways. Throughout the years people have established patterns and practices to help craft good software. One set of design principles we’ve been discussing is SOLID. Robert C. Martin coded the Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) which “I” represents.