My name is Jon (Jonathan) Seeley and I like computers. I currently work as a Senior Software Engineer for a company in the DIY craft/design market. The majority of my daily work is centered around APIs.
This blog, its content, and all opinions contained herein are my own.
I’ve been around.
I’m currently working as team lead for a company in the DIY space. My work varies, but centers around .NET Core, nodeJS (for Auth0 integrations), and some dealings in AWS.
Prior to that, I was Staff Software Engineer for a company in the medical billing industry. My team had many tasks but among them was converting the company from TFVC to Git (including training developers on the transition), building a CI/CD pipeline with Jenkins for CI (and jumped many hoops trying to determine the CD portion), decomposing a monolith, and maintaining a couple .NET Core microservices.
Preceeding that, I worked as a consultant for Mindfire Technology. I spent half my time there on contract for the Utah State Government rewriting the unemployment insurance benefits system. The other time was spent doing work for my previous employer on a website update to .NET Core + ReactJS.
Before that, I worked roughly 5 years as the web team lead for Get Away Today Vacations. There I worked primarily in ASP.NET (WebForms initially then MVC), jQuery, and angularJS. I also frequently found myself working in WPF, WCF, and Windows services.
Previous to that I worked just shy of 6 years for Mountain America Credit Union. Initially, I was hired on as a Jr. Developer but worked my way up to a senior/team lead role. My experience there varied greatly though I focused primarily on web applications built on ASP.NET. Stepping even farther back I worked as a Jr. Developer for a company that provided a subscription-based CRM. My job functions also included building portals/websites which tied into the CRM for individual clients.
Wait, you want more?
I have always had an affinity for technology. Exposure started at a very young age playing video games on the Atari 2600 and the Apple Franklin 2e. I count myself fortunate to have attended schools with good computer labs and education heavily focused on learning tech.
My family is technologically adept. My dad is a retired patent attorney. Three of my five siblings are software engineers and the other two siblings know their way around technology. I learned how to build and maintain my own computers at 12. I built and maintained my own (admittedly awful) tabletop RPG website at 15. Set up and tore down several lame BBSes in my early teens. Tinkered with QBasic and C++ through junior high and high school. Finally, I found my way into the field in the early 2000s writing C# and VB.NET using .NET 1.0.
I speak (perhaps better to say spoke) fluent Spanish. During college I did tech support in both English and Spanish on behalf of some MLM companies. This job allowed me to get my feet wet performing small tasks. Fix this bug here in C++, that bug there in C#, culminating in redoing the company website with ASP.NET WebForms. My time there led to landing my first FT development gig.
Personal Interests
I love video games but rarely get to play them anymore. Between Steam, GOG, Origin, uPlay, and various other mediums, I boast somewhere in the neighborhood of 1400 games in my collection. My oldest brother and I have started developing (and subsequently failed to finish) several games together. One of these days we’re hoping to actually finish one. Maybe even generate some residual or break off FT.
Most of my “free” time is spent with my family. We like to play board games and video games together. Due to my chosen field, the older kids all have their own hand-me-down computers cannibalized from previous machines.
Each year we like to travel. In the past few years, we’ve tried providing new and great experiences for the children. Recent trips have included a small cruise to Mexico in addition to Southern California activities. Another one, a trip to Virginia (including but not limited to Washington DC). We happily experienced Northern California and toured the Redwoods before the massive fires struck. We took time in Washington and a day-trip to Vancouver. A recurring theme is multiple excursions to the mountains in Utah.